Sunday, September 20, 2009


you get lazy or you find interest in something else. those are the only two reasons i can think of as to why things are going the way they are for me right now. who cares if life has its priorities. i wont let myself fall in this because i know how important it is to me, and i know how hard i work.. and its time to work.

Friday, September 18, 2009

acting, thinking, planning...doing?

plans. everyone has plans for themselves for the future whether theyre lifelong dreams set to lay in the desires of their heart or just a meander of their thoughts of 'what should i do tomorrow?' either way, i'm assuming that most people these days dont have the push to do what they want because they could be thinking that they have other days to do it. what if those other days disappear? what if you wait too long to get something done?

half the time people dont get things done because they know they can do things later. they know for sure that time will be waiting for them to get up and search for a job, take time out to do laundry that should have been done a week ago, or walk to the kitchen to grab a cold glass of water from the fridge to quench your thirst. am i sounding negative in any way? i really dont mean to.

lately i usually blog when something big is on my mind. and as much as id like to elaborate on it, i try to talk about little things first. all ive ever done was wait for the last minute to get things done. sometimes not the very last minute, but there are times where ive been disappointed to see that i couldnt get a good outcome because of how long ive waited. and its weird because i know what its like to do what you have to do and triumph in the end. i like being responsible, i like being ahead, i like being on top of my game.

i think im just scared. scared of struggle, scared of failure and scared of major disappointment. that's what everyone goes through right? and im talking about those that really sacrifice things in order to succeed and obtain what they want so bad. but its true. im scared to struggle because i know i will. im scared to worry because i'll be worrying everyday. im scared of not trying hard enough and im scared of giving up because i really don't want to fall into that. especially with a major move. even if i didn't have any support, i need to keep perseverance with me at all times. i need to keep striving and keep fighting.

ive thought and thought and realized that there are holes in my plans; things that are essential, things that i need, things that i know for sure ill lose if i go through with it.. they key is to look ahead at all times and hope for the better..

often, people act upon a recent occurrance that could have changed their mindset on everything. something out of our hands, or just a mistake we've made. many times theyre reality checks to get up and get a move on! and those reality checks are really realizations for us to know what we really want in life and how bad we want them. i really hate disappointment, so why not push? push because we're supposed to enjoy everything to its full extent right? we get tired, but i dont want to look back like i have been and constantly keep telling myself that i should have done this or that.

at this difficult time we're in, decisions are vital. and what a situation this is but later on ill know i wasnt i failure to myself. i need to keep living and look at the brightside.. because the brightside isnt always there. God is there, so i know ill be safe and living for happiness.. living for the right reasons. please continue to guide me because ill be coming back for You.

enjoy the life you live while youre waiting for the right things to come along.

Monday, September 7, 2009

the thing to do

sometimes i wonder if i do something because its the right thing to do. or do i do the right thing because i want to? or do i do the right thing just because i know its the right thing to do and i should do it?

just dumb thoughts. ruins things sometimes..