Sunday, May 31, 2009

better but challenging days

i've been having better days. its funny cus as days get better you know they arent gonna last that long. but being optimistic is the freakin way to go. i can't remember the last time i blogged - probably a couple of days ago - but i feel like its been awhile. *okay i just checked and it was yesterday LOL.

anywayyy, we've been celebrating for pats bday cus he just has to be so dayum special. Thursday was a really long rehearsal day(which is when i last blogged)..we were drained by the end of that cleaning cus it was so long but it was followed by a pretty good conversation with subes. didn't realize how long i was talking.. keyword i lol jaykay. he looked like he was about to pass out in the car though..i must be that boring. NOT! LOL okay just kidding on that one. anyway last night there was a last minute party at stacey's apartment. no longer will we have the privilege to party and hang out over there in SJ after sessions or partying. i got chris' text late to bum a ride but i ended up driving with dez, drew and jon carian which i haven't seen in fo' evahhh! i really really didn't wanna drive cus 1. my car needs an oil change, baaaddlyyyy 2. my tires have been dying to be changed for quite some time. especially my right front tire. i could hear them crying from siberia. poor babies. i don't take care of my car as much as i should be. its actually really hard!! i dont deserve that car but nor did i ask to have it. eh, life goes on. we got home at 6 in the mo'nin and i freakin knocked out when i got to my bed. my sleeping pattern is gonna be messed up up until i start summer school.

Speaking of summer school.. my college success teacher signed us up for classes in the summer so that we'd automatically get enrolled. its gonna be hard times cus there have been serious budget cuts from school. i have a terrible time doing well in school if my teachers are wack. my point being, i just looked up the professor i was signed up for and i got a freakin good teacher!! im super excited nowww. what im not excited about is the 8AM call time EVERYDAY. i am not a morning person whatsoever. i will freakin try my best though. go aggie!!

tonight no one really showed up for rehearsal. well there was a good amount but not everyone who needed to be there was there. we ended up watching UP instead! its such a cute and sad movie and the little fat kid Russel was thee cutest thing everrrr!!! Pat however was annoyed!! How?! I think i have a soft spot for cute little fat kids cus my younger brother has been fat all his life. LOL i know in a sense that's a little mean to say, but when youre young, cute and chubby all around, you cant help but be adored.

one important thing i want to talk about is my faith. i know its not as strong as it should be, or as it could be but on my way home with my mom tonight sparked something i thought would never happen. tomorrow, im going to church with the twinsies caitlin and kj, and their family. its a church called Jubilee which i heard from numerous people that its freakin awesome. i can't wait! so i told my mom about it and asked her if she knew of any christian churches. all of a sudden she started attacking me about going to a christian church and about converting. let me tell you that i can't remember the last time i've been so defensive. ive read in my bible before that there may come a time where you will fight with your parents about this. i just never thought it would happen! or happen any time soon at that! man was i heated! its gonna take some time but what she doesn't understand is that i am in love with God no matter what, and that i am firm with my faith. its what kept me going strong through all the tough times ive had to face. there is absolutely nothing wrong with being born-again and she will never know what the love of God can do for you until you experience it yourself. she acts like im about to worship satan or something. ive never felt so in touch with my faith and one day i will show her how bomb Jesus really is. everyone has their different opinions and in mine, there is no better way than God's way. we are all stubborn in our beliefs because we want to believe what we want to believe. we want to have our own way in things, we want to follow our own decided paths. if anything, if you can't surrender a little bit to God, at least try surrendering something you are uncomfortable with..maybe something outside of your comfort zone and you will realize its really not that bad. we don't give in because we are scared of change. but what i learned is that if you have faith and are accepting of whatever outcomes may occur, life wont be as hard as you make it to be. everything i say is the truth. just believe it cus i get it from thee truth.

i know that was a lot, but i couldn't help it.

tomorrow is company's 5th workshop. i hope it will be a good turnout. prices are down from $45 to $35. and single classes are $15 as opposed to $20. i know we're expensive, but we're worth it. im not sure if ill be able to attend because of conflicting times with service but im definitely gonna try to catch the last two if not last class. then rehearsal all night into the wee hours of the morning woopwoop! xP


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