Friday, May 1, 2009

'SURRENDER' to Hello Kitty, NOW!

I got home from the studio about an hour ago and it was really frustrating. Almost kawawa status. I freakin hate that word but apparently treezy likes it haha. Anyway, ive been talking to shaun and pat about things and i feel like a newbie. Not someone who has just gotten into the scene or whatever you wanna call it but a newbie in dancing, in learning, in understanding. And let me tell you that feeling is horrible, but everything is so amazing to me right now. As weird as that may sound, im amazed with everything. Welcome to freakin shaun, pat, and dmoe's world. I think we always need to give them more credit than they deserve. Im not gonna get into it, but damn. What a struggle it is right now. And we're getting into Body Rock? This is gonna suck.

I was just online talking to shaun and he says the best way to grow is to surrender. And it's true! Why keep yourself in the same place because youre uncomfortable with something when keeping yourself where you are isn't gonna take you anywhere? It's like going in a circle and you're constantly facing disappointment.. hitting that wall you aren't gonna get over if you dont surrender and just let yourself be vulnerable, letting whatever it is beat you up so you can get back on your feet and fight it! Be sure however, to humble yourself after every encounter with achievement. That's equally as important as everything else thats in the package.

This goes for almost every aspect of life. Seriously. If you're in a relationship, if you're in a walk with God(it applies to this especially), if you're starting a career, when you're in school.. wooo, especially school. UGH just everything!! When you get over that wall though, i think most of us know the feeling is amazing. And to know you've persevered over something so challenging makes you give so much more respect to it.


Today i left aiding(sorry pat) and lauren picked me up to go over her house with chris and carlyne to make Hello Kitty waffles!! We made them with chocolate chips and they were sooo delicious and sooo kawaiii!!! eeee!! Next time you're here shaun, i'll definitely make some for you. Im gonna go ask my mom to buy one for the house haha.

I'm pretty tired. I'll leave you guys with some pictures...i love posting up pictures! =D

HK waffle maker yayy!!

what the inside looks like



Lauren's perfectly placed chocolate chips!

The huge pancake we made for pat...looks kinda gross

Carlyne x Lauren x Me

I want more waffles dangit!!


p.s. Yet another shout out to TK.. we were kickin it at the studio tonight and pat says its because of you that we're all wearing basketball shorts to dance in. That if it weren't for him seeing you wear it that one day at whatever workshop it was, he wouldn't have thought to wear them up here. haha dzayum TK, you're makin yourself famous in my blog without even trying! Shooo..

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