Monday, May 25, 2009

little recap

this is gonna be a short blog because i told christian i'd blog at least a little bit. i havent updated in awhile because i wanted to blog until after all my finals were over. i still have one more to go, next monday, June 1st.

just to explain to everyone why its so late, i have a class every monday night at CSM. and since there's no school tomorrow, they moved it to next monday. whoopie. just when i thought the summer would begin..

this semester was actually a really good semester for me. i think it was the switching of the schools (sorta), and the schedule i had. tuesday/thursdays at City College and one night class on mondays at CSM.

highlights(not that there are that many):

-deciding last minute to go to ccsf
-registering late and having to walk in on allll the classes i wanted the first and second days of school(talk about stressful)
-not being able to get into probably half those classes due to my REALLY late registration date
-ending up with the best classes i've had in a longggg time
-deciding on a major(finally)

**pause..christian just called me to tell me the story of how him and his bff gayson came about matching today from head to toe..'that's how bffs roll' haha

getting back to the highlights..

-seeing this realllyy hott asian popstar looking guy all semester. oh man xD
-delivering a bomb group presentation that was worked on the day before..couldn't have done it without you joshie!! and thanks for bringing in lumpia during finals LOL
-staying up all night working on a paper not getting any sleep and finishing when it was time to get up and go to school cus it was due at 8AM. NEVER AGAIN xP

Q: song of the semester?
A: Girls - Se7en ft. Lil' Kim

just in case you didn't know, Se7en is a huge popstar in asia that is currently trying to make it in the US. It's gonna be hard, but i have faith! Shaun was actually the one that introduced that song to me cus he started working with him in LA. That song was bumpin' in my car just about every time i drove to school. it's a good song! i swear it is! even pat likes it lol. the video isnt that great doesnt really match the song to me. and lil kim is just weird.

if i knew my grades maybe that would have been a highlight too. but i dont find out til later. also, there were more highlights than i thought hehe


p.s. wasn't that much of a short blog was it? it always ends up this way i swear..

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